Sunday, November 16, 2008

Final Lysistrata Blog

This blog will just be my reflections on how i felt about this play.

I am definately glad that i got to read this play for many reasons. the first is that i learn another great tale and i can use it as an example in an intellectual discourse i may have in the future. Another reason is that this revolt really did work and i am glad that it did because it just shows that it doesn't take violence, or being famous just to be heard, and that anyone can make a difference if they all stand strong together. It is this point that i believe the modern play was refering to a UWM ... if we all recycled just a little bit more, or stopped to pick things up off the ground then maybe just maybe we would stand a chance at doing something bigger than us something even as big as helping the world... and with that I will step away for Lysistrata leaving all those to read this blog to reflect on everything we as single human beings can do.......

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